Virtual Sex Marketplace


I know it’s been a while since I last provided an update about my virtual sex marketplace. Visit my sex sim by clicking here. A couple of the store spaces have content to purchase now and more will be filled in the near future. The Wages of Sin sex sim also includes an escort club and The Worship Palace which is my private side of the sim. In a previous update I stated I turned my escort club into a freelance club to make things easier. Looking for work? Visit me at my sim or message me inworld at sarabimaraj. I’ll send you a tag so you can log into the tip jars and earn some money. You receive 90% of your earnings, the other 10% goes to me which is used for advertising. A good portion of the money I earn inworld I put back into my SL businesses.

If you’re a virtual sex worker interested in selling your services online at my virtual sex marketplace, contact me inworld and we can discuss options. Most of my store spaces are already rented out but I do have a couple more options at my sex sim. You can also email me at

I’m also available for consultations inworld. Consultations are 50% off!

Contact me for more information 🙂


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