Virtual Escorting


I get emails daily about getting into virtual escorting. Most find the thought of it exciting but soon realize more goes into it than just logging into a virtual space. So many think that being a virtual sex worker is easy. There is a learning curve with Second Life and Red Light Center. Both require patience and consistency to crack. I taught myself everything I know about both virtual worlds. I remember being so frustrated at first and then being proud of myself once I figured it out.

I know I would’ve learned things quicker if I had someone teaching me. That’s why I’m reopening my virtual classes, but I’ll get to that later in another post.

The first time I earned $250 in a day on Second Life, I literally cried and went right back to work. For so long, I didn’t think I would get to that point, but I quickly learned that my thinking blocked my success. If I would’ve told myself earlier that I knew I can do it, I would’ve accomplished my $250 in a day goal way earlier. Virtual escorting can be very lucrative, but it’s not easy.

Promotion & Beyond

To become successful as a virtual escort, advertising will need to come like second nature. If you’re a content model or have a fanclub such as OnlyFans, then you already know how promotion works. You know that if you don’t promote, you won’t get any subscribers. You also know if you don’t offer new and exciting content on a consistent basis, you will lose the interest of the subscribers you already have. Having a solid marketing plan is a must. This also goes for virtual escorting.

Ad boards are the best way to get the word out about your services in virtual worlds. Both Second Life and Red Light Center have ads of some sort. Second Life gives users the ability to purchase ad space inworld while Red Light Center uses a web interface. While ad boards are one of the best ways to promote your services, there are other ways.

Visiting different sims is the perfect way to meet potential clients. At some point, someone will message wanting sex, and that’s when the deal can be sealed. While not everyone will want to pay for virtual sex, some will. I suggest trying different approaches to make a potential an actual client. If bringing up payment right away doesn’t work, try asking a couple of questions about their sexual likes and then bring up pricing.

There are many ways to make different spaces work for you.

Updates on Virtual Sex Club

My club has now been open for a couple of weeks and I do have a couple of ladies working for me. I am freezing hiring for the moment. Once I reopen hiring, I will announce it on my blog and Twitter.

You can visit me live at The Wages of Sin: I’ve just now restarted playing Red Light Center. When I open my place back up, I’ll announce it and leave the landmark.

Questions? Email me at


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