Virtual Sex School


I have a virtual sex school in the works for early 2023. It will be a private sim where all virtual sex academy inworld courses will take place. Students will also have a few options when it comes to housing. I’m pushing this opening back til Jan 2023 because I still have a few things to get in place before that. When classes do open, there will be 10 students allowed in a class and a lot of class time will be spent doing hands on things. We’ll have field trips to my escort club where you’ll get the opportunity to make money and meet future clients. This will just be your first step into the virtual sex world. My purpose is to help you take that first step and give you a start in virtual sex work. You’ll be putting in the real work once you graduate from my class.

Virtual Sex Classes

I know you probably want more information, so I’ll share what I can for now. There will be enough space for 30 students to have housing. There will be 3 classes running to offer several class times. I’ll have classes in the morning, afternoon, and late evening. Classes will run 1.5-2hrs/each. Like I stated before, most of the time will be spent outside of the classroom. The first class will be an introduction and the two remaining classes will be spent mostly at the Wages of Sin club.

There will be one class per week. Inworld classes cost L$10,000 for the 3 courses. I will only accept payment through Second Life. Classes will run year round with limited start dates. Session 1 will begin Jan 2023 and after those classes graduate, session 2 will start April 2023, and session 3 will August 2023. I may consider adding more classes when I get more teachers to assist.

You must have experience playing as this is not a beginner’s course. I will not teach you how to put on clothes, move around, etc. In these courses I teach experienced SL players how to make real life money selling services in a virtual space. This is perfect for those who are looking to make extra money or want to eventually be a full time virtual sex worker. This can be done, but it’s not easy and requires consistency. Don’t look at my pay statements and expect to make that right out of graduation. While you will be offered a position at my club if I have availability, your success is still up to you.

Second Life Beginner Courses

For those who are completely new to Second Life, I do not offer group classes. I offer one on one training inworld because beginners usually require more assistance. I’m available to teach beginner’s classes now. I charge L$12,000 for three one on one sessions. Email me at if you’re interested. Once payment is received, I immediately send you my Second Life Beginner’s Guide and we set up our first inworld session together.

Things are coming together sooner than expected for my Virtual Sex Worker courses. Updates coming soon. If you have questions about the virtual sex school and you’re already inworld, message me at sarabimaraj.


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