Virtual Sex Work is Back..


So I honestly almost quit virtual sex work altogether. I got rid of my sex sim and even went as far as removing all of my ad boards inworld. A major life event happened to me recently that made me want to shut completely down. I was done. The break I had helped me see that I love sex work. I enjoy the freedom and flexibility it provides and I plan on doing this work in some capacity until the day I die.

Now that I’m back, I’ll be recreating my sex sim but it will be smaller. Sims cost a lot and while I started seeing some profits from the sex sim, it still cost a ton to keep running. So I’m going to downscale a bit in size while still providing a great space for virtual sex workers and their clients to enjoy. I’ll be back inworld this weekend to purchase the land and get things going on that end. I’m excited to get back into it because for so long I lived and breathed Second Life. I didn’t want to do anything else but make money in SL.

Those feelings I had for Second Life have now resurfaced so things will be much better this time around.

All virtual escorting classes will be discounted once I reopen. Only certain classes will be held inworld while everything will be offered self paced on the website. It will take about two months for everything to be in place. I’ll start hiring for The Wages of Sin escort club when the land is closer to being complete.

Red Light Center Training

Red Light Center or RLC training will be available closer to the winter months. The reason for this is because I have to do further inworld research(sessions with clients, advertising, etc)., to see how I will approach the new training. All training classes will be self-paced for RLC, but I will sometimes have info sessions inworld. I will be gifting ONE VIP membership. You must sign up for my classes online when they become available in November/December 2022 to be entered into the drawing. I understand money is tight for most, so I will try to help when I can.

For those of you who want immediate assistance now, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at


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