Virtual Sex Guide


I have made my website Online Sex Work Academy live! This website houses all my scripts, NiteFlirt services, guides, and other content and services. I currently have a virtual sex guide up for sale. In this guide I discuss some of the different ways to get clients and make money with virtual sex work in Second Life. I discuss Second Life a lot because it’s the main virtual world where I make most of my money. I haven’t actively played Red Light Center in a while, but I have been writing up a guide for it so I’ll be logging in there consistently soon.

Second Life Training

I currently provide private one on one sessions for training. In the past I offered group classes inworld which I plan on bringing back in the future. My plan was to have a private sim for my Virtual Sex University and hold group classes there. I plan on making it a fully interactive experience where you sign up for classes online or at the university. This plan is still in motion but I have pushed it back to create more of a buzz for my Virtual Sex University. Since the opening of my website Online Sex Work Academy I’ve received more interest in my school so within the next couple of months I’ll start the process again of creating the inworld learning experience.

If you want to get on my VIP list and be notified when the Virtual Sex University opens, click here.

I do plan on adding another virtual sex guide to my website soon along with other valuable services which will help your business.


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